Saturday, February 09, 2008

A Lil Clip from Today's Campaign and Taking Part in Hillary's Gaining Momentum

Hillary is a fighter
Hillary is a fighter. It's why we like her; she has gained our trust in her as our dedicated advocate. She has done this through a lifetime of diligently fighting for causes she has committed herself to with the kind of unrelenting passion that makes many of us wonder where she draws her inspiration and caffeine pills.

Now it's our turn
In the same way we count on her to consistently fight for our us in the Oval Office, we now have the unique and welcomed opportunity to return the favor. ( Yay! :) We won't let you down, Hillary!)

Hillary's campaign fund-raising goals have been met and greatly exceeded since Super-Tuesday. She's received from 90K+ donors for a total of > $9 million, but still needs our help to take back the edge over Obama's ever-rising popularity and funding.

Join with me in submitting a monthly contribution to Hillary's campaign.

Here's a li'l random clip I liked from a speech Hillary made today...

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